About The mint design
The mint design is a design firm that consisted of the skills of interior and furniture designers. Specializing in the design for residential, fit out of corporate offices and retail environments.
Our aims never conform to normal, we help our clients to create a beautiful custom atmospheres to reflect on their unique personal style. We believe that an outstanding interior design should be self expressive and consist of the creativeness of both the designers and clients. The best design concepts should be functional, highly efficient and reflect the character and brief of the client. Our team of professional designers has opened the doors to the public, offering the most personal and innovative design concepts to all our clients.
The Mint Design除了是室內設計公司外,更提供家具設計,為客人提供最全面的一站式服務,讓設計項目達致最完美效果。服務範圍包括住宅,辦公室及零售公司。
The Mint Design從不隨波逐流,每一個設計項目都以不同的理念作為藍本,讓客人得到最獨一無二的設計作品。專業團隊會先了解客人所需及要求,揉合時尚及創新的設計概念,將夢想成為現實。設計團隊會以專業知識及豐富的經驗實現你夢寐以求的dream house,這是The mint design的服務宗旨及對設計的熱誠。